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Upgrading your local development environment with DDEV

October 25 9:00 AM–5:00 PM

Looking to move your local development environment to a more modern solution? This workshop will introduce students to DDEV, a Docker-powered local development environment built on modern principles and designed to be flexible, customizable, and powerful.

The workshop will include hands-on exercises for installing DDEV and its prerequisites on Mac OS X, Ubuntu, and Windows 10, as well as the basics of getting both new sites and existing sites up-and-running. Finally, we’ll cover the basic, day-to-day DDEV commands.

The goal is for students to be proficient and confident in using DDEV in their day-to-day professional Drupal work at the conclusion of the workshop.

Students will also be provided access to a 20+ page handout and more than 10 screencasts demonstrating various DDEV functionality, created specifically for this workshop.