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Web Accessibility 101 Training

October 25 9:00 AM–5:00 PM

This training course is a crash-course in web accessibility concepts targeted towards both content managers and developers working in Drupal tasked to create an "accessible website".

  • Accessibility: what and why?
  • Understanding disabilities and challenges.
  • Laws, standards, and organizations (beyond the WCAG 2.0/2.1)
  • Conformance Testing
  • Accessible Elements of the Web
    • Media
    • Content
    • Markup
    • Documents


About the Trainer(s):

Aimee Degnan is an IAAP Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) and a seasoned Drupal and Web Architect who helps audit and architect websites for better accessibility. She believes in eliminating all the barriers that exist for accessibility to help make the web more diverse through inclusivity. 

AmyJune Hineline is an active organizer of the Drupal Accessibility meet-up and is passionate about accessible information for all. Her history as a health care professional provides a rich understanding of the challenges folks may need to overcome and how that may affect their interaction with the web and supporting tools.
