Database Query Optimization in Drupal
Drupal has been criticized as "being slow" and, it's true, performance can sometimes be an issue. Some performance improvements are made easily by turning on core caching and leveraging a good hosting platform that provides things like Varnish and Redis support. Once you get through the easier wins, tuning can get more challenging and, often, the issues lie with slow database queries.
In this session, we will cover:
- Identifying slow database queries
- Manually running queries against a database
- Approaches for improving query performance
- Testing query changes for improvements
- Altering Views and non-Views queries
Intended Audience
Anyone who develops Drupal sites and wants to make them faster would benefit from this session.
Skill Levels
This session is suitable for intermediate Drupalers as well as for advanced developers who have not done performance tuning for database queries.
About the Speaker
Kristen has been working with Drupal since 2004 as a developer and architect, specializing in multilingual, migrations, architecture, and SEO. She has presented at many DrupalCons, BADCamps, Stanford camps, and other Drupal camps and user group meetings. Check out Kristen's page and her Hook 42 team page for more info.