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Reusable Frontend Components using Yarn Workspaces, data- Attrs and Twig

  • Reusable Patterns (Frontend Components) vs Web Components.
  • Separation of concerns (aka MVC): styling, functionality, data.
  • Yarn Workspaces to maintain separate component and manage its dependencies.
  • data- attrs to control components in a declarative way and w/o js.
  • Twig to build all together.
  • Using with Drupal or other CMS.
  • Using with Fractal or other pattern library.
  • Demos: Reusable Carousel, Reusable Gallery, Reusable Modal, compound components.
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Living Design Systems for Teams

Straightforward and valuable agenda:

  1. Differences between Design System vs. Pattern Library vs. Style Guide.
  2. How to make it [work] serve for your Team.
  3. How to integrate it all with Drupal.
  4. How to share the Design language across Team and beyond - to the Client.

Properly organized, Design System should serve for you (not waste your resources!) and make your Frontend, Backend, Designers and Client all happier!

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Government Issues: Leveraging Accessibility with Usability to Serve *Really* Diverse Audiences

In discussions about accessibility and diversity, our thoughts tend to jump to ARIA links, screen readers, and people of different ethnicities. While these are key aspects to both topics, this talk will push your thinking to considerations beyond accessibility and diversity basics. At its core, embracing accessibility provides us with a launching ramp to usability, and it helps us to serve and support a variety of users.

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State of Layout Management in Drupal

There are a crazy amount of different approaches for layout management in Drupal today:

  • Layout Discovery/Builder
  • Block Layout
  • Display Suite
  • UI Patterns
  • Bricks
  • Paragraphs (+ Frontend UI)
  • ...

In this session we will go through all of them and try to make a big picture — what is designed for, and how to use them properly — together, or independently from each other.

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Gatsby and the JAMstack: An introduction for the Drupal/LAMP minded

Watch the session video here.

The "JAMstack" is some great branding that describes websites that are built entirely by javascript, API calls, and served as completely static pages.
Compared to LAMP platforms like Drupal and Wordpress, JAMstack has four huge things going for it:

1. High traffic sites that cost thousands of dollars a month could transition to a single server + CDN on low tier hosting (under 100 dollars a month)

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Incorporating Content Strategy Into Prototyping Processes with GatherContent and Kalastatic. madeofpeople Wed, 08/22/2018 - 16:42

Recently the field of static prototyping, living style guides, and front-end focused development tools has blossomed, and the adoption of these processes has entered into best practices. But we’ve always felt something was missing from this formula and the de-facto tools: Content Strategy.