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The BADCamp Contribution Lounge will be open every day during BADcamp. We set up the room with tables, power strips, drinks and snacks... so you can come to the room with your laptop and get going. The Lounge gives a perfect alternative to attending sessions with a space to work on something alone or together with other contributors.
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Contribution Lounge
The BADCamp Contribution Lounge will be open every day during BADcamp. We set up the room with tables, power strips, drinks and snacks... so you can come to the room with your laptop and get going. The Lounge gives a perfect alternative to attending sessions with a space to work on something alone or together with other contributors.
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Contribution Lounge
The BADCamp Contribution Lounge will be open every day during BADcamp. We set up the room with tables, power strips, drinks and snacks... so you can come to the room with your laptop and get going. The Lounge gives a perfect alternative to attending sessions with a space to work on something alone or together with other contributors.
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Looking to move your local development environment to a more modern solution? This workshop will introduce students to DDEV, a Docker-powered local development environment built on modern principles and designed to be flexible, customizable, and powerful.

The workshop will include hands-on exercises for installing DDEV and its prerequisites on Mac OS X, Ubuntu, and Windows 10, as well as the basics of getting both new sites and existing sites up-and-running. Finally, we’ll cover the basic, day-to-day DDEV commands.