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Day of the Week
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October 25

9:00 AM–4:30 PM

DevOps Summit


Want to accelerate development at your organization? The DevOps Summit is about inspiring people (aka YOU) with new processes and tools to help transform ideas into working web applications. We’ll be discussing topics like automated testing, continuous integration, local development, ChatOps, and more. Along the way you’ll have a chance to pick the brains of leading DevOps professionals in the Drupal community. Anyone who is looking to work with happier development teams while saving time and money should attend.

9:00 AM–5:00 PM

Object Oriented PHP

Stephens Lounge

With the move to Drupal 8 everyone who works in the PHP layer will be exposed to more and more to object­ oriented code.

Come learn the basics of working with objects in PHP and how OOP can help you to write well­ structured code.

October 26

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

Drupal 8 Configuration System Basics

backend development / process / drupal core

Watch the session video here.

The Drupal 8 configuration system can provide great advantages to managing the configuration of a site, but it can also cause massive headaches if used improperly. This presentation will provide an overview of how the Drupal 8 configuration system works, best practices on basic workflows to utilize it effectively, and a small sampling of some of the contributed modules available to enhance it.

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Module & Architecture Development + Drupal Composer, Custom Entities, and Plugins

architecture / backend development

Watch the session video here.

We'll review some of my findings while learning and building web applications in Drupal 8.

We'll go over architecture options for web applications built in Drupal 8. Modern PHP dependency management with Composer, Content Entities vs Nodes and when each is appropriate. We'll look at some excellent combinations of contrib modules and glue code to create flexible architectures.

Who is this for?

4:45 PM-5:30 PM

Configuration Workflow Automation

site building / process / devops

Watch the session video here.

Configuration management has only gotten more complex as Drupal 8 has matured. With Config 2.0 going full speed ahead, some improvements are coming. Unfortunately, our dream of being able to save configuration directly to files won't happen, and the community has created complex workflows to work around the problem of storing configuration in the database.

But, the workflow has been automated for you in Contrib.

October 27

10:15 AM-11:00 AM

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Gitlab Has come to

culture / devops / big ideas

Watch the session video here.

Come learn about the 3 phases   we will be using to deploying gitlab on  

Phase 1: Replacing's Git backend

The first phase of the migration

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Maximum PhpStorm

php / backend development / front end development

Watch the session video here.

As developers we struggle everyday to solve problems and we rely on development tools to help us puzzle through those problems. Years ago, I adopted PhpStorm to augment my skills and in doing so I've learned a lot of ways how to gain the most out of the tool.

Come as we break through the levels of complexity and level up your skills as we talk about: