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Internet 101: Things everyone assumed I knew, but I did not.

Even Sherlock Holmes doesn’t know everything. There are simply too many acronyms and technologies to understand.

This talk will discuss some of the concepts I’ve touched, but never really understood with a focus on computer networking. Let’s look underneath the hood and see what’s going on.

This talk is about why RTFM (read the full manual) is so useful (if time were infinite). Hopefully you will learn something new, or come to a deeper understanding of a concept you’ve worked with, but haven’t quite fully grasped.

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Drupal 8 Custom Module Architecture: What’s Going On? legaudinier Thu, 07/19/2018 - 18:01

Watch the session video here.

It is all fun and games modifying existing code, but what about when you have to venture out to unknown waters and create your own custom module? Don’t worry! We can get through this together!

This talk is a deep dive into creating custom modules from scratch, and the role of each component in the final product.

Module & Architecture Development + Drupal Composer, Custom Entities, and Plugins

Watch the session video here.

We'll review some of my findings while learning and building web applications in Drupal 8.

We'll go over architecture options for web applications built in Drupal 8. Modern PHP dependency management with Composer, Content Entities vs Nodes and when each is appropriate. We'll look at some excellent combinations of contrib modules and glue code to create flexible architectures.

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