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Key factors in the longevity of the relationship with your client

Unexpected complications will always arise and having explicit goals, positive dynamics, budget, timing, team with balance of skills, access to the information, the right channels to communicate, useful and constant feedback in a collaborative space will grant the ingredients to succeed.

Taking the time to get the essential pieces in place from the start will guarantee the success of a Project; as well as the team´s satisfaction because they are creating something wonderful and meaningful together.

3 T´s are Key factors in the longevity of the relationship with our client.

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Understanding React.js

React.js has become one of the top players in the JavaScript libraries world. WordPress has rebuilt its WYSIWYG editor using React. Drupal has recently adopted the library to create admin interfaces. This session aims to explain the basic concepts of React outside of the context of any particular CMS implementation. Many examples will be presented to help you understand it and why it is so powerful.


Learning objectives:

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Acronym Anxiety! What do all those letters mean!?

Acronyms are everywhere, and if you work in or with a digital agency, you’re likely bombarded by them day in and day out. Emails sent from strategists asking about your KPIs for the year, letters appended to your project manager’s name, requests from marketing for your CRM details...the acronym soup goes on and on. The goal of this session is to equip attendees with knowledge of basic terms used in the industry and the correct ways to use them!

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Checking Under the Hood: Auditing Your Website for a Smooth Ride

We often talk about websites the way we talk about cars. Are you driving a flashy sports car or a stable hatchback? And is yours a lemon, no matter how pretty the paint job? And if you just got one used, what’s going on under the hood? There’s a way to address these questions about your website, and it’s called a technical audit.

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An Overview of Static Site Generators for Drupalists

With the continued rise of static site generators that can play nicely with Drupal it has never been easier to take advantage of the speed, security, and scalability of static sites. This session will provide an overview of three static site generator projects and how they can be used to create a static build  based on data from Drupal.

The session will cover:

  • An introduction to static site generators

  • An overview of Jekyll (a Ruby based option)

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What alternatives we have to reinvent content authoring in Drupal?

In this session, we will take a critical look at how the new JS world is impacting Drupal. We will address the barriers we have to make Drupal relevant for this novel ecosystem and analyze how our current Drupal administrative interface lags behind.

We rely our whole Drupal administrative interface on the fact that there is a site builder to build things. Maybe it's time to look at it differently. An alternative is OpenStory, a decoupled administrative interface aimed to improve the editorial experience in Drupal.

We will address the following points:

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Using Machine Learning to Augment your Content

Watch the session video here.

This session is about giving a practical example of how the CMS and Drupal community can put machine learning into practice by using a Drupal module, the taxonomy system, and Google's Natural Language Processing API.

We will begin with an overview of what natural language processing is and some natural language processing concepts, including:

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Designing user experiences for the decentralized web

The decentralized web is rapidly gaining steam in privacy and security circles as the promise of a "Web 3.0" begins to take hold. Nonetheless, among all of the challenges facing the nascent decentralized web, perhaps none is as pressing as user experience. Though many tout network effects and convenient features as the leading factors that led to the Big Tech walled gardens characterizing the web today, the attractive and seamless user experiences that the closed web offers are far too frequently ignored.

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