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Sandbox CI/CD Environments for Everyone lmakarov Wed, 08/22/2018 - 17:26

Watch the session video here.

Deploying Applications in 2018. A Journey Through Time

It used to be easy to deploy applications, you just deploy a VM on DigitalOcean, SSH into it, set up your LAMP stack and go from there.

What is all the excitement about AWS, Provisioning, Docker, Kubernetes, Serverless? You are still using DigitalOcean and are happy with it? If you asked yourself that question, I will give you the answer.

This session will walk you through the evolution of application deployment strategies and practices, starting from manual server deployment and ending in cloud infrastructure orchestration best practices.

You will learn:

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Drupal Blue/Green deployments with AWS ECS

Drupal deployments are hard. You have to make sure your code is deployed, composer dependencies are pulled, schema updates are performed and caches cleared, all with keeping the website up and responsive for the users, add the fact that you host on multiple servers and you have active users online updating some content 24/7 and it gets even more interesting. What if anything goes wrong and you want to rollback, do you have to deploy again and have your users wait?

The answer is No. Blue/Green deployments are the solution to this problem, but how do we do that with Drupal?

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Host Your Own Pull Request Environments with Automated Behat Testing

Do you host your own Drupal?

Do you wish you could have that great git-push-deploy workflow provided by so many hosted solutions, but on your own servers?

Wish no more! 

With Open Source DevShop, you can use any linux server to host, test, and develop your Drupal sites.

DevShop installs in minutes, with no special script writing or configuration required. 

In this session, we will demonstrate Automated Pull-Request-Environments with Behat testing, completing and deploying a new feature of our website LIVE in session!

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Gitlab Has come to mlhess Wed, 08/22/2018 - 01:07

Watch the session video here.

Come learn about the 3 phases   we will be using to deploying gitlab on  

Phase 1: Replacing's Git backend

The first phase of the migration

Command line basics for site builders

Watch the session video here.

As a site-builder-turned-developer, I know just how intimidating the command line can be.  In this session, I'll demystify the command line, and empower YOU, the site builder. With a basic grasp of the command line, you'll work more quickly, do more, and understand some of the tech behind your Drupal site.

We'll cover: 

* The basics of the command line: What's a terminal? How is this thing a text editor? How do I navigate my file structure? 

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Better living through data warehousing

Is your Drupal site is more than a just website?  Is it instead an application with hundreds of fields and gigabytes of data? You've probably already realized the difficulty of reporting and analytics from your production site.  This session will explore ways you can flatten your data and move it to a reporting instance on AWS for reporting, analytics, and even microservices. This session will also highlight opportunities for automation along the way.

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apachectl stop - Why you should use a Docker development environment

Development projects are becoming more complex every day.  Managing a development environment with all the proper configuration and dependencies for just one project can be challenging, and those challenges are exponentially increased when working with multiple projects. Managing a local environment shouldn’t be a cumbersome task.


This session will cover:

  • Reasons to use a Docker-based development environment.

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GovCMS on Lagoon, the Australian Government move to a 100% open source platform 8thom Tue, 08/21/2018 - 12:47

Watch the session video here.

As announced in July, the GovCMS team will be working with Salsa Digital and to build the next generation of the GovCMS hosting platform.

GovCMS is program managed by the Australian Government and provides content management and website hosting for all government agencies - Federal, State and Local.