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Living Design Systems for Teams

Straightforward and valuable agenda:

  1. Differences between Design System vs. Pattern Library vs. Style Guide.
  2. How to make it [work] serve for your Team.
  3. How to integrate it all with Drupal.
  4. How to share the Design language across Team and beyond - to the Client.

Properly organized, Design System should serve for you (not waste your resources!) and make your Frontend, Backend, Designers and Client all happier!

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Command Line for the Beginner

This beginner session will introduce the incredible potential of using the command line in developing for the web.

Interested Drupal users, designers and site builders will gain the knowledge of using SSH to connect to servers, Git for version control, Drush and Drupal Console for workign with Drupal, Aliases and Bash scripts for common tasks, and automation/task runners like Grunt and Gulp.

Attendees will come away from the session with their interest piqued, with the desire to learn more about using the command line in their workflow.

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Tools of the Trade - Running a Small Drupal Shop

I've been running a small Drupal shop for several years now and have experimented with lots of tools and technologies to manage my workflow, contractors, and the financial aspects of my business. It's easy to waste a lot of time chasing the latest and greatest tools.

I'd like to share the tool set I'm currently using, things I've tried, and gaps that I still need to fill. Most of all, I'd love to hear what tools that others have used and why they choose them. 

Here are the categories I plan to discuss:

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An Introduction to Gulp stpaultim Wed, 08/22/2018 - 04:49

For quite a while, I've been working with pre-configured gulp files and using the command "gulp watch" to complile my SASS. Recently, I've dug a little deeper to try and understand what Gulp is capable of, how I can customize my workflow with Gulp, and to better understand my alternatives.

This session is a beginners guide to Gulp. We'll start with what Gulp is, what all it is capable of, and whether or not you should use it? We'll take apart the configuration file used by Gulp, gulpfile.js, and show you how to customize it. 

Feeds UI + Migrate Engine = Dream Migrations and Imports

Feeds and Migrate were two primary contrib modules used for data import since early versions of Drupal.  Quick comparison of two modules: Feeds module has great friendly UI that allows site builders configure and import data, Migrate is built for developers with power to perform complex backend data processing but UI for this module was less than ideal.

In D8 migrate module is in core to support one-click upgrades from earlier Drupal versions – great news. In the hallway of Baltimore DrupalCon maintainers of Feeds and Migrate started conversation about using migrate engine to power Feeds UI – seems to be a win-win solution for everyone – developers, site builders, content managers, end users. 

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Case Study: Stanford Off-Campus Learning Opportunities (SOLO)

Stanford University offers a wide array of opportunities for its students to study abroad. Historically, these opportunities were administered by various departments from all corners of the university. In 2015, Stanford’s Office of International Affairs started work on Stanford Off-Campus Learning Opportunities (SOLO), an initiative to bring all of these opportunities under one roof.

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Ignore the Naysayers: Your RFP Can Be Great!

There’s been a lot of ink spilled about how the RFP process is broken, particularly when it comes to technology projects. This session isn’t going to litigate various viewpoints on that front, because RFPs are not going anywhere anytime soon — especially when it comes to nonprofit, higher ed, and public sector projects.

Ignore the naysayers! Your RFP can be brilliant!

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"Just Enough" Project Management

Have you outgrown trying to manage all your projects using email or Trello, but tools like Jira and Project are complete overkill? 

As an experienced project manager, I subscribe to the belief from the Agile Software Development Manifesto to value "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools". You don't want to spend more time managing the process than actually doing the work. But at the same time, how do you keep your projects within scope, budget and timeline? 

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