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Coming soon, Drupal 8 and a half!

Remember when Drupal 8 was brand new and full of new features?

Are you still excited about Drupal 8? Drupal 8 has added many great features since 8.0.0 and many more features are coming soon(ish). If you haven't started with Drupal 8 or haven't kept up with new features that are being develped for Drupal core, this session is for you.

This presentation is an overview of what Drupal could look like in the near future. We will explore current development that is happening to add new features to Drupal core such as:

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No fear to Drupal 8: how content and IT managers became superheroes

It can sometimes feel overwhelming to keep up with evolving technology. If you’re worried that migrating your organization’s Drupal 6 or 7 site to the latest version, Drupal 8, is going to cause headaches, this session is for you. Major benefits of migrating your site to D8 include: built-in responsiveness for mobile and other platforms, faster page loads and optimized performance, and a more streamlined and intuitive content editing experience. But change can be scary, I know.

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Understanding Drupal

Drupal is an extremely flexible system. To achieve this, various layers of abstractions were built into it. A lot of concepts were created to explain these abstractions. Unfortunately, they are not always intuitive. This session aims to explain the basic building blocks for assembling a Drupal site and how they relate to each other. Many examples will be presented to help you understand Drupal and why it is so powerful.


Learning objectives:

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Site Building 2.0: How Layout Builder will change everything

Watch the session video here.

Come get an all access preview of how your next generation Drupal sites are going to work with Layout Builder.


Layout Builder is a new experimental module for Drupal 8 and its implications are vast. In this session we're going to dig into the site builder implications of this new tool and how it's going to change your builds for the better.


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Drupal 8 Configuration System Basics

Watch the session video here.

The Drupal 8 configuration system can provide great advantages to managing the configuration of a site, but it can also cause massive headaches if used improperly. This presentation will provide an overview of how the Drupal 8 configuration system works, best practices on basic workflows to utilize it effectively, and a small sampling of some of the contributed modules available to enhance it.

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How-to: Using "drupal-project" with Composer to Craft your Perfect Start-State

drupal-project is now the officially-recommended starting point for Drupal 8 sites with Composer. In this session, I'll show you how to:

  1. Quickly spin up a new site with Composer and drupal-project
  2. Customize drupal-project to suit your particular needs
  3. Leverage post-install tasks to keep yourself DRY

The goals of the learnings from this session are to:

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