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Day of the Week
Showing 7 items.

October 27

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

Do you rebuild in Drupal 8, or Wait? Going from Drupal 7 to 8 or 9

ux / architecture / drupal core

Watch the session video here.

The average lifespan of a website is 3 years.  Drupal 7 will be end-of-life in 3 years. 

If your site is in Drupal 7 you are likely asking yourself what to do. Is it time to start from scratch and rebuild, or can you maximize what you have?

There are lots of options and in this session, we will cover how to: 

The Drupal Fork: Backdrop CMS (live demo)

beyond drupal / editor experience / site building

Watch the session video here.

Come see Backdrop CMS in action.

This session will demonstrate some of the kinds of things you can do with Backdrop core alone. We'll walk through site-building tasks that showcase some of the differences between Backdrop and Drupal, but mostly you'll see how similar the two projects are.

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Maximum PhpStorm

php / backend development / front end development

Watch the session video here.

As developers we struggle everyday to solve problems and we rely on development tools to help us puzzle through those problems. Years ago, I adopted PhpStorm to augment my skills and in doing so I've learned a lot of ways how to gain the most out of the tool.

Come as we break through the levels of complexity and level up your skills as we talk about: