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Day of the Week
Showing 5 items.

October 27

10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Hot Dog/Not Hot Dog: Artificial Intelligence with Drupal

backend development / beyond drupal / apis

Watch the session video here.

In a world where everyone has the ability to post anything online, it becomes critical for site owners wanting to maintain their brand reputation to curate what is published. How can content editors keep up with reviews when there's a steady stream of content submissions? Enter the robots.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Beyond Herding Cats: Lessons for Project Management in a Small Agency

being human / people management / project management

I have found that most project management resources and education are geared towards large companies. Small agencies have their own specific challenges, and this is especially true for project managers.

As the lead PM for two small agencies (< 3 developers per team), I've learned a lot about how to scale down processes and streamline meetings for smaller teams. In this session, I'd like to share what I've learned.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Friendly Stalking: Learning from your users (without being creepy)

ux / content strategy / site building

Watch the session video here.

As site owners, it’s impossible for us to serve our users better without knowing a little bit about them -- what’s working for them, and what isn’t. There are a number of high-impact but unobtrusive ways to learn more about how users interact with your site and your brand. In fact, you might be surprised at the information you can learn about your users with nothing more than Google Analytics.

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

3:45 PM-4:30 PM