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Day of the Week
Showing 8 items.

October 24

9:00 AM–4:30 PM

Higher Education Summit

Pauley East

The Higher Education Summit is a unique opportunity for site owners, IT managers, developers, content creators, and agencies dedicated to supporting and advancing the use of Drupal in academia to share, learn, and strengthen our community of practice. Through panels, talks, and ample breakout sessions, participants share and learn from one another’s victories and challenges, and build momentum in cross-institutional initiatives.

Pizza and salad will be provided for lunch.

October 27

10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Hot Dog/Not Hot Dog: Artificial Intelligence with Drupal

backend development / beyond drupal / apis

Watch the session video here.

In a world where everyone has the ability to post anything online, it becomes critical for site owners wanting to maintain their brand reputation to curate what is published. How can content editors keep up with reviews when there's a steady stream of content submissions? Enter the robots.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Which Accessibility Tools are Right for You?

front end development / process

Watch the session video here.

As an organization who needs to step up their accessibility compliance, accessibility testing and remediation is a big deal.

Accessibility testing has a lot of moving parts! There are so many tools. So many! Plugins, suites, crawlers, dashboards, CI tests, and more.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Using Machine Learning to Augment your Content

beyond drupal / big ideas / backend development

Watch the session video here.

This session is about giving a practical example of how the CMS and Drupal community can put machine learning into practice by using a Drupal module, the taxonomy system, and Google's Natural Language Processing API.

We will begin with an overview of what natural language processing is and some natural language processing concepts, including:

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Demystifying Pattern Libraries and Drupal 8

front end development / design / beyond drupal

Watch the session video here.

Pattern libraries (living style guides) have existed for years as a way to formalize design systems across applications. In the past year or so a number of compelling modules and themes have emerged to integrate pattern libraries with Drupal 8.