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Day of the Week
Showing 11 items.

October 24

9:00 AM–5:00 PM

October 26

9:00 AM-9:45 AM

10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Gatsby and the JAMstack: An introduction for the Drupal/LAMP minded

performance / decoupled / javascript

Watch the session video here.

The "JAMstack" is some great branding that describes websites that are built entirely by javascript, API calls, and served as completely static pages.
Compared to LAMP platforms like Drupal and Wordpress, JAMstack has four huge things going for it:

1. High traffic sites that cost thousands of dollars a month could transition to a single server + CDN on low tier hosting (under 100 dollars a month)

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Building websites with React & Gatsby

site building / decoupled

Watch the session video here.

React started as a way to build apps. People soon discovered that React's ability to render to string meant that React could be used for building websites where shipping a fast HTML version of the site was necessary.

Gatsby is a very popular way to build websites with React and recently became a company with VC backing to take React deep into the world of CMSs.

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Config Management for Drupal Multi-site and Distributions

architecture / process / backend development

Drupal 8's Configuration Management System is a modern marvel. We now have a standard way to export, store, and import configuration files.

When working on a single site, built on a fresh Drupal 8 install, the process is pretty straightforward and there are many tools to help along the way.

But what if you're building lots of similar sites? Like a multi-site? Or maybe a Drupal Distribution? Or Install Profile? Or Sub-Profile? In Drupal 7 we had Features. Do we still need that?

4:45 PM-5:30 PM

Meta and Schema: Defining the Content about your Content

content strategy / site building / editor experience

Watch the session video here.

You know how your content looks on your own website, on desktops, laptops and phones, but how does it look when it leaves your site? Using open source protocols like, Open Graph, and W3C specified meta data to markup your structured data, you can help boost your content’s chances of outperforming its competition in search engines, and shared on social media sites.

October 27

10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Why fork Drupal? The philosophy behind Backdrop CMS

beyond drupal / site building / editor experience

Watch the session video here.

Backdrop CMS is the Drupal fork. It is a faster and less-complex version of Drupal 7 with more features you want, and fewer you don't.

This session will highlight the Backdrop Mission, it's intended audience, and it's guiding principles.

We'll explain the decision making process, introduce the Project Management Committee, and expand on how the project's direction is set by the needs of the whole community.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Feeds UI + Migrate Engine = Dream Migrations and Imports

backend development / process / community

Feeds and Migrate were two primary contrib modules used for data import since early versions of Drupal.  Quick comparison of two modules: Feeds module has great friendly UI that allows site builders configure and import data, Migrate is built for developers with power to perform complex backend data processing but UI for this module was less than ideal.

In D8 migrate module is in core to support one-click upgrades from earlier Drupal versions – great news. In the hallway of Baltimore DrupalCon maintainers of Feeds and Migrate started conversation about using migrate engine to power Feeds UI – seems to be a win-win solution for everyone – developers, site builders, content managers, end users. 

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Using Machine Learning to Augment your Content

beyond drupal / big ideas / backend development

Watch the session video here.

This session is about giving a practical example of how the CMS and Drupal community can put machine learning into practice by using a Drupal module, the taxonomy system, and Google's Natural Language Processing API.

We will begin with an overview of what natural language processing is and some natural language processing concepts, including:

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

The Drupal Fork: Backdrop CMS (live demo)

beyond drupal / editor experience / site building

Watch the session video here.

Come see Backdrop CMS in action.

This session will demonstrate some of the kinds of things you can do with Backdrop core alone. We'll walk through site-building tasks that showcase some of the differences between Backdrop and Drupal, but mostly you'll see how similar the two projects are.

3:45 PM-4:30 PM