Main Content

Command Line for the Beginner

This beginner session will introduce the incredible potential of using the command line in developing for the web.

Interested Drupal users, designers and site builders will gain the knowledge of using SSH to connect to servers, Git for version control, Drush and Drupal Console for workign with Drupal, Aliases and Bash scripts for common tasks, and automation/task runners like Grunt and Gulp.

Attendees will come away from the session with their interest piqued, with the desire to learn more about using the command line in their workflow.

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Adoptable Goats Near Me: What I Googled the Year I Became a Developer

Told through the lens of my errant Googlings, this session will take participants through my journey from music teacher to web developer, examining the different types of learning that occurred along the way. We will delve into theories about learning, techniques to improve information retention and problem solving, and how to shift your perspective to learn what you can even when life is less than ideal.

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Contributions, how to earn back from volunteering

Volunteering is cool, nobody questions that, but we are all pragmatic humans and thus need motivation. In this session I will share with you reflections derived from my experience of contribution to open source. Mostly it has been Drupal (6 years) and just recently initiated Gentoo Linux (6 months). During these 6 years I grew as a contributor to the status of a co-maintainer of Webform 8.x module.

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How to Work Remotely and Build a Coffee Empire — or Any Side Hustle

Ever wanted to start a business while working remotely as a Drupal developer? This session is where you find out how.

Since remote work has taken off, developers can code for agencies on a part or three-quarters time basis and still have room to seriously pursue other interests — stay home to raise a child, go to school, or even start a separate business.

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Can Everyone Work Remotely? Yes, and Here’s How.

Are you building a team of remote workers? Or transitioning your agency to become “fully distributed?”

Find out how to not only do it, but how to supercharge productivity and everyone’s happiness in the process. Spanning development, account and project management roles, our panel of remote pros share the bag of tools and practices that help them get more done and keep clients wowed — all while petting their own cats on their own couches in their own towns. 

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My Journey (Learning Disabled, Fine Artist, & Technology Professional) to the Open Source World.

Like many in our community, I came to opensource from a non-traditional route. In this session I will share my journey to open source technology professional from a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Studio Art and minoring in Theatre, Master of Fine Arts in Theater and, a certification in Non-Profit Management.

You might ask, "Your degrees are in what?!"

Lets throw into the melange, severe learning disabilities discovered when I was a child.

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Understanding Technical Leadership

Great technologists often rise through the ranks, assuming responsibilities that go beyond just delivering technical work. This talk reflects on my journey from an engineer to leading teams. I’ll talk about what I’ve learned, how I learned it, and share my evolving thoughts on technical leadership. I share my perspective on topics like business awareness, servant leadership, failing fast, taking calculated risks, data-driven decision making, promoting pragmatism, and sharing a vision.

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So you want to speak at a camp? Yes please!

Are you going to your local meetup or regional camp and watching sessions?  Have you ever thought "I could do that" but are not sure how to get started? Well good news, this session is for you.  Speaking at camps is a great way to give back to the community and assure that your tribal knowledge gets passed on.  
Come learn the ropes with this hands on course that will guide you through figuring out what to talk about, how to submit sessions and some best practices on delivery. 

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The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Building Drupal Websites

Every developer has been there: fresh out of school, new to the field, or using a new technology. There is a lot to know to successfully build Drupal websites. To be successful, developers learn technical skills in school or from websites and books. Applying those skills in the real-world is not always straightforward. In addition, soft skills are equally as important to being successful in this field and are often neglected.

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