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Drutopia: Building a Drupal SaaS Platform to Make Doing Client Work More Fun mlncn Wed, 08/22/2018 - 06:38

Why would a small Drupal shop take on building a big platform?  Learn what motivates the co-founder and the newest worker-owner of a 12-years-in-business web development shop to try to steer it in a radically new direction.

How to sell Drupal to Enterprises? gauravtechie Wed, 08/22/2018 - 03:44

Few things that I would cover in the session:

We Are All On The Outside. Practice humanity through inclusion and accessibility. aimeerae Tue, 08/21/2018 - 23:04

We are all on the outside, even when we are on the inside. Understand and explore inclusive actions to make a wholesome community - Drupal, family, friends, and life.

What does that even mean, anyway?

Everyone is disabled sometimes. Everyone is an outsider sometimes. Each person is a mix of disabilities and abilities, privileged and oppressed. We are comprised of life experiences that we must be sensitive to in ourselves and others as we communicate.

The chase is on: how AMs and PMs can work together like Tom & Jerry in search of the golden cheese ksartain Mon, 08/20/2018 - 19:31

Ying and yang, night and day. One completes the other one. Tom has no fun without Jerry. After years working solo, we have found our better halves. 

When a client relationship starts, both the Account Manager and the Project Manager are in search of success and profitability - the perfect golden cheese. One manages the work flow, while the other one keeps transparency and manages communications between agency and client. 

Find out how this dynamic duo oversees client, team, project and budget health. 

Some topics we’ll cover:

Understanding Technical Leadership nerdstein Mon, 08/13/2018 - 14:49

Great technologists often rise through the ranks, assuming responsibilities that go beyond just delivering technical work. This talk reflects on my journey from an engineer to leading teams. I’ll talk about what I’ve learned, how I learned it, and share my evolving thoughts on technical leadership. I share my perspective on topics like business awareness, servant leadership, failing fast, taking calculated risks, data-driven decision making, promoting pragmatism, and sharing a vision.

Four Brain Hacks to Manage Clients and Win jmosmith Thu, 08/09/2018 - 23:35

Watch the session video here.

(ALL skill levels – *Not* a technical talk.)

That heart-attack-moment. Your client is freaking-out, right now; right in your face with a full-blown meltdown! At the end of it all they always ask that same question, "So what are you going to do about this!?..."

Gittin' Organized: The Business ROI of your Technical Workflow kwhite Thu, 08/09/2018 - 22:10

It's not easy managing a team of engineers. We manage work volume, timelines, and budgets, in addition to the engineering process itself. In a perfect world, we would create a series of technical processes and toolsets that supports a team of happy and productive engineers. However, even in this perfect world we need critical insight into the creative processes of our developers. Sometimes, what makes developers the most efficient isn't what makes them happy. And what makes them happy might be against a new business mandate.