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Letting Editors Win - Who Needs More Than 1 Column?

In the years that I have been a front-end developer and site builder in Drupal, one thing has remained constant—the battle to allow editors more power without sacrificing design or performance. With Drupal 8 Layout Builder and Paragraphs, I finally have a solution that provides a good balance between flexibility and control. The best thing is that it all happens in a single column.

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Component Based Theming With UI Patterns and Pattern Lab

Since the release of Drupal 8, great strides have been made to develop a component based theming workflow that takes advantage of the best that Twig has to offer and also plays nice with living style guides and pattern libraries. Gone are the days of redundant styles and markup, making way for the efficiencies found when Drupal and tools like Pattern Lab can share the exact same code. That said, handling the mapping of data between Drupal and your component library can still be quite complicated and difficult to coordinate on larger cross-functional teams.  

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Back to Basics Drupal 8 Theming

Modern front end development practices are moving quickly and Drupal theming is no exception to this rule. Since the release of Drupal 8 I’ve learned many of the tricks that Twig has to offer, dabbled with css grid, integrated with external Pattern Libraries using tools like Pattern Lab, written JavaScript using ES6 syntax, and decoupled Drupal to take advantage of JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular. It is an exciting time to be doing front end work with Drupal.

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Bringing Content Security Policy to Drupal

Content Security Policy is a new layer in web security to protect your site and your users from cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.  Additional strategies are also available to expand it's capabilities to detect and mitigate threats like malicious browser extensions, content injection from proxies, and unauthorized http requests.  Leveraging Drupal 8’s libraries system, the Content-Security-Policy module is being built to make this tool easily available to every Drupal site.

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Maximum PhpStorm

Watch the session video here.

As developers we struggle everyday to solve problems and we rely on development tools to help us puzzle through those problems. Years ago, I adopted PhpStorm to augment my skills and in doing so I've learned a lot of ways how to gain the most out of the tool.

Come as we break through the levels of complexity and level up your skills as we talk about:

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Managing your Online Presence on Google Search

Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, handling more than three billion searches each day. In this session, you will learn how you can optimize your websites for users and to be compatible with Google search engine. You will learn how search works. You will be given tips on how to do well on search and explore tools that Google offers which you can use to manage your online presence on Google Search. This session is suitable for website or business owners as well as web developers who want to learn more about your website presence on Google organic search.

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