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October 27

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Beyond Herding Cats: Lessons for Project Management in a Small Agency

being human / people management / project management

I have found that most project management resources and education are geared towards large companies. Small agencies have their own specific challenges, and this is especially true for project managers.

As the lead PM for two small agencies (< 3 developers per team), I've learned a lot about how to scale down processes and streamline meetings for smaller teams. In this session, I'd like to share what I've learned.

Which Accessibility Tools are Right for You?

front end development / process

Watch the session video here.

As an organization who needs to step up their accessibility compliance, accessibility testing and remediation is a big deal.

Accessibility testing has a lot of moving parts! There are so many tools. So many! Plugins, suites, crawlers, dashboards, CI tests, and more.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Four Brain Hacks to Manage Clients and Win

leadership / people management / being human

Watch the session video here.

(ALL skill levels – *Not* a technical talk.)

That heart-attack-moment. Your client is freaking-out, right now; right in your face with a full-blown meltdown! At the end of it all they always ask that same question, "So what are you going to do about this!?..."

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

3:45 PM-4:30 PM