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Day of the Week
Showing 11 items.

October 24

9:00 AM–4:30 PM

Higher Education Summit

Pauley East

The Higher Education Summit is a unique opportunity for site owners, IT managers, developers, content creators, and agencies dedicated to supporting and advancing the use of Drupal in academia to share, learn, and strengthen our community of practice. Through panels, talks, and ample breakout sessions, participants share and learn from one another’s victories and challenges, and build momentum in cross-institutional initiatives.

Pizza and salad will be provided for lunch.

October 25

9:00 AM–4:30 PM

DevOps Summit


Want to accelerate development at your organization? The DevOps Summit is about inspiring people (aka YOU) with new processes and tools to help transform ideas into working web applications. We’ll be discussing topics like automated testing, continuous integration, local development, ChatOps, and more. Along the way you’ll have a chance to pick the brains of leading DevOps professionals in the Drupal community. Anyone who is looking to work with happier development teams while saving time and money should attend.

October 26

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Building websites with React & Gatsby

site building / decoupled

Watch the session video here.

React started as a way to build apps. People soon discovered that React's ability to render to string meant that React could be used for building websites where shipping a fast HTML version of the site was necessary.

Gatsby is a very popular way to build websites with React and recently became a company with VC backing to take React deep into the world of CMSs.

Site Building 2.0: How Layout Builder will change everything

drupal core / editor experience / site building

Watch the session video here.

Come get an all access preview of how your next generation Drupal sites are going to work with Layout Builder.


Layout Builder is a new experimental module for Drupal 8 and its implications are vast. In this session we're going to dig into the site builder implications of this new tool and how it's going to change your builds for the better.


2:30 PM-3:15 PM

Drupal 8 Configuration System Basics

backend development / process / drupal core

Watch the session video here.

The Drupal 8 configuration system can provide great advantages to managing the configuration of a site, but it can also cause massive headaches if used improperly. This presentation will provide an overview of how the Drupal 8 configuration system works, best practices on basic workflows to utilize it effectively, and a small sampling of some of the contributed modules available to enhance it.

Introduction to Pragmatic Functional PHP

php / performance / testing

Watch the video session here.

Functional programming is a paradigm with origins in lambda calculus and the 1930's. Stack Overflow's developer surveys from both 2017 and 2018 show that the languages optimized for functional programming are low in popularity. However, the same survey recognizes that developers actually working in Elixir, Clojure, F#, and Haskell, actually love their languages much more than PHP or C developers.

So functional programming is unpopular but fun!

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Config Management for Drupal Multi-site and Distributions

architecture / process / backend development

Drupal 8's Configuration Management System is a modern marvel. We now have a standard way to export, store, and import configuration files.

When working on a single site, built on a fresh Drupal 8 install, the process is pretty straightforward and there are many tools to help along the way.

But what if you're building lots of similar sites? Like a multi-site? Or maybe a Drupal Distribution? Or Install Profile? Or Sub-Profile? In Drupal 7 we had Features. Do we still need that?

Module & Architecture Development + Drupal Composer, Custom Entities, and Plugins

architecture / backend development

Watch the session video here.

We'll review some of my findings while learning and building web applications in Drupal 8.

We'll go over architecture options for web applications built in Drupal 8. Modern PHP dependency management with Composer, Content Entities vs Nodes and when each is appropriate. We'll look at some excellent combinations of contrib modules and glue code to create flexible architectures.

Who is this for?

4:45 PM-5:30 PM

Configuration Workflow Automation

site building / process / devops

Watch the session video here.

Configuration management has only gotten more complex as Drupal 8 has matured. With Config 2.0 going full speed ahead, some improvements are coming. Unfortunately, our dream of being able to save configuration directly to files won't happen, and the community has created complex workflows to work around the problem of storing configuration in the database.

But, the workflow has been automated for you in Contrib.

October 27

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Drupal 8 Custom Module Architecture: What’s Going On?

backend development / architecture / php

Watch the session video here.

It is all fun and games modifying existing code, but what about when you have to venture out to unknown waters and create your own custom module? Don’t worry! We can get through this together!

This talk is a deep dive into creating custom modules from scratch, and the role of each component in the final product.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Friendly Stalking: Learning from your users (without being creepy)

ux / content strategy / site building

Watch the session video here.

As site owners, it’s impossible for us to serve our users better without knowing a little bit about them -- what’s working for them, and what isn’t. There are a number of high-impact but unobtrusive ways to learn more about how users interact with your site and your brand. In fact, you might be surprised at the information you can learn about your users with nothing more than Google Analytics.