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Gatsby and the JAMstack: An introduction for the Drupal/LAMP minded

Watch the session video here.

The "JAMstack" is some great branding that describes websites that are built entirely by javascript, API calls, and served as completely static pages.
Compared to LAMP platforms like Drupal and Wordpress, JAMstack has four huge things going for it:

1. High traffic sites that cost thousands of dollars a month could transition to a single server + CDN on low tier hosting (under 100 dollars a month)

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making decoupled drupal days actually decoupled

In the beginning, there was a conference called Decoupled Dev Days. It had a web site that was React but not actually decoupled at all. Then the next year, it became Decoupled Drupal Days and was still a static site. But this time, it was made with Gatsby. And as the days passed, and the content became more unmanageable, the need for a better CMS was needed. So Drupal was added and the site instantly became decoupled and easy to manage.

No.. Not really.

There were hoops to jump through, build problems, entity reference access issues and image conundrums.

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Decoupled Drupal: Implications, risks and changes from a business perspective

Decoupled Drupal is clearly here to stay, so what does this mean from a business point of view? As we consider all the implications of this change -- a new programming language, new licences, and the technical considerations of how we visualize and build websites -- it’s important to identify how and when adaptations need to be made to our businesses to support all these changes.

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FolderShare: Organize, store and share data on any Drupal 8 site

This session will provide an overview and live demonstration of the FolderShare module for Drupal 8. This module adds data management and data sharing capability to a Drupal site. The module takes advantage of Drupal's capability to provide a rich authoring/viewing environment that includes providing description to any file or folder as well as discussing it via comments. Users can securely upload and organize arbitrary files and folders and share them either publicly or privately with others (like Dropbox).

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An Overview of Static Site Generators for Drupalists

With the continued rise of static site generators that can play nicely with Drupal it has never been easier to take advantage of the speed, security, and scalability of static sites. This session will provide an overview of three static site generator projects and how they can be used to create a static build  based on data from Drupal.

The session will cover:

  • An introduction to static site generators

  • An overview of Jekyll (a Ruby based option)

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Serverless, Well Actually

What's the deal with all this serverless talk? In this session you will learn the basic concepts around serverless. Serverless is a broad term used to describe an approach where the developer doesn't have to manage the server, only pays for what resources they use, and where scaling is automatic. We will take a beginner friendly look at this approach to development as well as walk through real world examples of use cases. Serverless has many uses, especially for decoupled projects. Attendees will leave with a good working knowledge on the subject.

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What alternatives we have to reinvent content authoring in Drupal?

In this session, we will take a critical look at how the new JS world is impacting Drupal. We will address the barriers we have to make Drupal relevant for this novel ecosystem and analyze how our current Drupal administrative interface lags behind.

We rely our whole Drupal administrative interface on the fact that there is a site builder to build things. Maybe it's time to look at it differently. An alternative is OpenStory, a decoupled administrative interface aimed to improve the editorial experience in Drupal.

We will address the following points:

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Zero to Decoupled in 30 Minutes

Decoupled Drupal sites are hard, right? Wrong! In this session, we’ll detail a method for rapidly scaffolding a progressively-decoupled Drupal 8 site with a React-powered custom content area in no more than thirty minutes. Leveraging JSON API's zero-configuration API solution and Create React App's single-command React app build tool, we'll throw together a rock-solid decoupled Drupal 8 solution in no time flat.

Brace yourself, this will be a fast one!

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