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Acronym Anxiety! What do all those letters mean!?

Acronyms are everywhere, and if you work in or with a digital agency, you’re likely bombarded by them day in and day out. Emails sent from strategists asking about your KPIs for the year, letters appended to your project manager’s name, requests from marketing for your CRM details...the acronym soup goes on and on. The goal of this session is to equip attendees with knowledge of basic terms used in the industry and the correct ways to use them!

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FolderShare: Organize, store and share data on any Drupal 8 site

This session will provide an overview and live demonstration of the FolderShare module for Drupal 8. This module adds data management and data sharing capability to a Drupal site. The module takes advantage of Drupal's capability to provide a rich authoring/viewing environment that includes providing description to any file or folder as well as discussing it via comments. Users can securely upload and organize arbitrary files and folders and share them either publicly or privately with others (like Dropbox).

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More than Mommy: Finding Myself Through the Drupal Community

What happens when you finish college and still don't know what you want to be? When you have to enter the workforce and start your life with no clear vision of where you might end up professionally? That's exactly what I had to find out the hard way. I spent years working uninspiring, thankless jobs that paid the bills. I got married and had a son, then had no identity other than "wife" and "mommy." I was hopelessly lost, depressed, and my worst self.

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Comprehensive Guide to Image Configuration in Drupal 8

Drupal has always been on the forefront of image processing and configuration in the content management world. Simple things, like real-time generation of image presets and an administration interface for creating and displaying different image styles, are a dream for site builders and designers.

There is a wide range of contributed modules that extend the power, flexibility, and responsiveness of Drupal core image management.  This session will highlight some of the leading solutions for managing your imagery, the pros and cons, and where their usage is most appropriate.

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Diversity & Inclusion: Building a Stronger Drupal Community

Watch the session video here.

Diverse communities are strong communities, and Drupal is less diverse than it should be. Open source has the potential to transform society for the better, but we are currently missing out on much of that opportunity. We can make the Drupal project better by making the Drupal community a place where a wider range of people can participate and contribute their knowledge and skills.

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Better living through data warehousing

Is your Drupal site is more than a just website?  Is it instead an application with hundreds of fields and gigabytes of data? You've probably already realized the difficulty of reporting and analytics from your production site.  This session will explore ways you can flatten your data and move it to a reporting instance on AWS for reporting, analytics, and even microservices. This session will also highlight opportunities for automation along the way.

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Friendly Stalking: Learning from your users (without being creepy) kwhite Tue, 08/21/2018 - 17:08

Watch the session video here.

As site owners, it’s impossible for us to serve our users better without knowing a little bit about them -- what’s working for them, and what isn’t. There are a number of high-impact but unobtrusive ways to learn more about how users interact with your site and your brand. In fact, you might be surprised at the information you can learn about your users with nothing more than Google Analytics.

Beyond Herding Cats: Lessons for Project Management in a Small Agency

I have found that most project management resources and education are geared towards large companies. Small agencies have their own specific challenges, and this is especially true for project managers.

As the lead PM for two small agencies (< 3 developers per team), I've learned a lot about how to scale down processes and streamline meetings for smaller teams. In this session, I'd like to share what I've learned.

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An Overview of Static Site Generators for Drupalists

With the continued rise of static site generators that can play nicely with Drupal it has never been easier to take advantage of the speed, security, and scalability of static sites. This session will provide an overview of three static site generator projects and how they can be used to create a static build  based on data from Drupal.

The session will cover:

  • An introduction to static site generators

  • An overview of Jekyll (a Ruby based option)

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