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How to Focus your Web Content on What People Actually Want

We all know that every good, juicy story must have a compelling beginning that draws the reader in, action throughout and an ending that wraps up the story elements into a satisfying ending. 

Like a good story, a good website needs to draw your desired audience in, keep the user engaged through their journey on your site until they take the desired actions.

In this session, we explore how to write that story.  Utilize this no-fail approach to outlining the needs and requirements of your organization and audience to ensure that everyone gets the results they’re looking for.

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Gettin' Agile Wit It: How to Help Clients Work Alongside You

The first principle behind the Agile Manifesto is “to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.”

In an agency setting, our clients are one of the primary customers that we look to satisfy with our work. By bringing clients into the agile process, we can increase engagement and satisfaction - leading to more successful projects for all users, team members, and stakeholders.

In this session, you’ll learn:

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How to Work Remotely and Build a Coffee Empire — or Any Side Hustle

Ever wanted to start a business while working remotely as a Drupal developer? This session is where you find out how.

Since remote work has taken off, developers can code for agencies on a part or three-quarters time basis and still have room to seriously pursue other interests — stay home to raise a child, go to school, or even start a separate business.

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Designing user experiences for the decentralized web

The decentralized web is rapidly gaining steam in privacy and security circles as the promise of a "Web 3.0" begins to take hold. Nonetheless, among all of the challenges facing the nascent decentralized web, perhaps none is as pressing as user experience. Though many tout network effects and convenient features as the leading factors that led to the Big Tech walled gardens characterizing the web today, the attractive and seamless user experiences that the closed web offers are far too frequently ignored.

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GovCMS on Lagoon, the Australian Government move to a 100% open source platform 8thom Tue, 08/21/2018 - 12:47

Watch the session video here.

As announced in July, the GovCMS team will be working with Salsa Digital and to build the next generation of the GovCMS hosting platform.

GovCMS is program managed by the Australian Government and provides content management and website hosting for all government agencies - Federal, State and Local.

Site Building 2.0: How Layout Builder will change everything

Watch the session video here.

Come get an all access preview of how your next generation Drupal sites are going to work with Layout Builder.


Layout Builder is a new experimental module for Drupal 8 and its implications are vast. In this session we're going to dig into the site builder implications of this new tool and how it's going to change your builds for the better.


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Building Effective Drupal Teams within Larger Organizations

Watch the session video here.

A significant segment of the Drupal community is made up of web/digital agencies, freelance developers, and others focused on delivering value to clients.  A small-but-growing segment of Drupalistas find themselves on the other side: embedded within departments and organizations who would traditionally be clients of these groups.

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