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Government Issues: Leveraging Accessibility with Usability to Serve *Really* Diverse Audiences

In discussions about accessibility and diversity, our thoughts tend to jump to ARIA links, screen readers, and people of different ethnicities. While these are key aspects to both topics, this talk will push your thinking to considerations beyond accessibility and diversity basics. At its core, embracing accessibility provides us with a launching ramp to usability, and it helps us to serve and support a variety of users.

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How to cope when the community lets you down

I joined the Drupal community about 7 years ago at a moment in my life when I was looking for more than just a CMS. Drupal and the Drupal community have filled needs for me that extend beyond the technical requirements of a client project. Sometime, I wonder if I expect too much from a loosely structured community that came about to create and support an open source software project.

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Care & Feeding of Drupal Sites: How to Win Support

When a client comes to you, don’t start a project, start a relationship. The goal isn’t to solve individual problems, but have an ongoing conversation to assess client needs and find the best solutions. 

Supporting Drupal sites requires attention to not only technical needs but also human. The number one most important element of a support program is to make your clients feel comfortable and taken care of.  That requires a team of people who can all bring their own expertise and unique skills.

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Adoptable Goats Near Me: What I Googled the Year I Became a Developer

Told through the lens of my errant Googlings, this session will take participants through my journey from music teacher to web developer, examining the different types of learning that occurred along the way. We will delve into theories about learning, techniques to improve information retention and problem solving, and how to shift your perspective to learn what you can even when life is less than ideal.

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We Are All On The Outside. Practice humanity through inclusion and accessibility.

We are all on the outside, even when we are on the inside. Understand and explore inclusive actions to make a wholesome community - Drupal, family, friends, and life.

What does that even mean, anyway?

Everyone is disabled sometimes. Everyone is an outsider sometimes. Each person is a mix of disabilities and abilities, privileged and oppressed. We are comprised of life experiences that we must be sensitive to in ourselves and others as we communicate.

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More than Mommy: Finding Myself Through the Drupal Community

What happens when you finish college and still don't know what you want to be? When you have to enter the workforce and start your life with no clear vision of where you might end up professionally? That's exactly what I had to find out the hard way. I spent years working uninspiring, thankless jobs that paid the bills. I got married and had a son, then had no identity other than "wife" and "mommy." I was hopelessly lost, depressed, and my worst self.

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Diversity & Inclusion: Building a Stronger Drupal Community

Watch the session video here.

Diverse communities are strong communities, and Drupal is less diverse than it should be. Open source has the potential to transform society for the better, but we are currently missing out on much of that opportunity. We can make the Drupal project better by making the Drupal community a place where a wider range of people can participate and contribute their knowledge and skills.

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Beyond Herding Cats: Lessons for Project Management in a Small Agency

I have found that most project management resources and education are geared towards large companies. Small agencies have their own specific challenges, and this is especially true for project managers.

As the lead PM for two small agencies (< 3 developers per team), I've learned a lot about how to scale down processes and streamline meetings for smaller teams. In this session, I'd like to share what I've learned.

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