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Living Design Systems for Teams

Straightforward and valuable agenda:

  1. Differences between Design System vs. Pattern Library vs. Style Guide.
  2. How to make it [work] serve for your Team.
  3. How to integrate it all with Drupal.
  4. How to share the Design language across Team and beyond - to the Client.

Properly organized, Design System should serve for you (not waste your resources!) and make your Frontend, Backend, Designers and Client all happier!

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Government Issues: Leveraging Accessibility with Usability to Serve *Really* Diverse Audiences

In discussions about accessibility and diversity, our thoughts tend to jump to ARIA links, screen readers, and people of different ethnicities. While these are key aspects to both topics, this talk will push your thinking to considerations beyond accessibility and diversity basics. At its core, embracing accessibility provides us with a launching ramp to usability, and it helps us to serve and support a variety of users.

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Friendly Stalking: Learning from your users (without being creepy)

Watch the session video here.

As site owners, it’s impossible for us to serve our users better without knowing a little bit about them -- what’s working for them, and what isn’t. There are a number of high-impact but unobtrusive ways to learn more about how users interact with your site and your brand. In fact, you might be surprised at the information you can learn about your users with nothing more than Google Analytics.

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How to Focus your Web Content on What People Actually Want

We all know that every good, juicy story must have a compelling beginning that draws the reader in, action throughout and an ending that wraps up the story elements into a satisfying ending. 

Like a good story, a good website needs to draw your desired audience in, keep the user engaged through their journey on your site until they take the desired actions.

In this session, we explore how to write that story.  Utilize this no-fail approach to outlining the needs and requirements of your organization and audience to ensure that everyone gets the results they’re looking for.

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Designing user experiences for the decentralized web

The decentralized web is rapidly gaining steam in privacy and security circles as the promise of a "Web 3.0" begins to take hold. Nonetheless, among all of the challenges facing the nascent decentralized web, perhaps none is as pressing as user experience. Though many tout network effects and convenient features as the leading factors that led to the Big Tech walled gardens characterizing the web today, the attractive and seamless user experiences that the closed web offers are far too frequently ignored.

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